Crowds Of over 40,000 Watch Verdi’s Spectacular Opera In Tokyo’s Baseball Stadium over three nigltly performance. A cast including Katia Ricciarelli, Nicola Martinucci and other world class opera singers for two unprecedented performance conducted by Maestro Raffa. This is perhaps the largest venue where opera productions by Giuseppe Raffa, and indeed by anyone else, have ever been organized and staged, with enormous success we might add. The performances enjoyed the sponosrships of Nippon Television among others.It was opera with the double casting of Katia Ricciarelli and Grace Bumbry in the title role of the Ethiopian princess and with Bruno Sebastian as the Egyptian general Radames, Ruza Baldani as the Egyptian king’s daughter Amneri, Louis Quilico as the Ethiopian king Amonasro and Paul Plishka as chief priest Ramfis. It was opera with the music played brilliantly by the Australian Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Giuseppe Raffa. This is perhaps the largest venue where opera productions by Giuseppe Raffa, and indeed by anyone else, have ever been organized and staged, with enormous success we might add. The performances enjoyed the sponsorship of Marui Group and of Nippon Television among others